Form Administration

Forms Administration is accessed by clicking:

  1. Workplace Central
  2. Admin
  3. Forms

Click on each of the tabs below for further explanation for:

  • Owner/Managers
  • Exporting a report
Owner/Managers  Exporting a Report

An Owner and Managers of a specific form can:

  • Search for that form and the results will include not only the ones they have submitted, but everyone else's submitted forms.
  • Receive notifications when any form approval step is overdue.
  • Approve a form on behalf of another user.
  • Re-open a specific form where required.
  • Edit the information of the form.
  • In some cases see specific Dashboard Widgets relating to the Form.

The Owner and Managers are set up as per the information provided at the time the form was created. 

If you need to amend the Owner and Managers of a form click on the 'Pencil' icon.

Select the Owner or Managers tab.

  • To add a person simply click in the box next to their name.
  • To remove a person click on the box to remove the tick next to their name
  • Click 'Save'

Please note: That the person added must have access to the Category that the form is saved to.

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