Running Registers

All forms can be exported in a report - these are called Registers.  

Registers are able to be exported as:

  • a XLS or CXV report of all fields in the form; or
  • have a CSV template designed enabling you to extract the form information into a meaningful report.

Please note that you will need to have the appropriate access to run registers.

Accessing Registers

Generally you will have a link in your 'My Favourites', however if you don't Registers can be accessed by clicking:

  1. Workplace Central
  2. Analysis
  3. Registers

This will display the forms that you are able to run a register.

Running a Register

  1. If you would like to add a quick link to this page, click the 'Heart Plus' icon
  2. To Run a Register, click on the Export icon.

The Export Builder will appear, this is where you can specify the search parameters and run either:

  • Standard Export - provides all fields of the forms either onscreen or via downloadable XLS or CSV file.
  • Register Export - this provides a drop down list of custom exports that have been built with specific fields.

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