Visit Reasons

Contact to setup Visit Reasons to suit the specific scenario of persons entering the site.

The following information is required for each visit reason:

Multi locations sites only 
Reason for Visit:
State the visit reason that will appear to the person entering the site e.g. Meeting, Site Work.
Applies To:

Select one or all options - Contractor, Visitor, Volunteer. 

Note: Volunteer Entry is only available for sites that have People Central.

Need to exist in the database (applicable for Contractors):
Need to have valid certificates / competencies to enter the site  (applicable for Contractors) :

Instructions when Certificates / Competencies are invalid: 
This is the SMS message to be sent to the person if entry has been denied. Standard hardcoded message when access is granted.
Default to alphabetical order unless specified

  Notification Options - Access Granted 

  • Site Contact: SMS and/or email can be sent to the nominated contact person. To be listed the ERM User must have the specific Role.
  • Facilities Manager:  SMS and/or email can be sent to all the Facilities Managers nominated.
  • Facilities Managers to Notify: To be listed the ERM User must have the specific Role. 

Notification Options - Access Denied  

  • Site Contact: SMS and/or email can be sent to the nominated contact person. To be listed the ERM User must have the specific Role. 
  • Facilities Manager: SMS and/or email can be sent all the Facilities Managers nominated.
  • Facilities Managers to Notify: To be listed the ERM User must have the specific Role.

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