Analysis - Skill Expiry Forecast

Select People Central in the left navigation and then 'Analysis' on the far right hand side to locate the Skill Expiry Forecast button.

The Skill Expiry Forecast allows you to run a report of all skills that are going to expire within a time frame specified for all or specific position groups.

The filters you can apply include:-
  • Position Groups - Choose your position group from the drop down list or leave as 'All'
  • Time frame - Choose the time frame for the search from the 'List skills that will expire within the next' drop down
  • Required/Not Required - Flag by ticking the box whether you want to include competencies which are not required for the position/role
Once you are happy with the filters, click on the 'Run' button.

Results will appear on screen where you can then export them if required.

These results can also be seen within the Employee Skills Expiring widget.


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