New Contractor Process

1. Set up your Company and Supplier/Contractor Employee Certificates
Creating a New Company Certificate Form/Type Creating a New Employee Certificate Form/Type

For each Company Certificate you want to track ie: Public Liability/Workers Compensation, you can configure information about how it will behave in relation to notifying the Contractor approaching expiry.

This is done via the Facilities Central Solution Suite and then clicking on the 'Settings' link in the far right hand side and the following options will appear.

The following steps need to be completed to add a new Certificate type:-

1. Click on the 'Certificate Types' button and then 'Add New', complete the following information and then click on the 'Submit' button

Tree Node
If you have multiple sites you can specify which Certificate applies to which site however for most clients the top Tree Node will suffice.
This is the name of the Certificate ie: Public Liability, Workers Compensation

By default the Certificate Type will be 'Active' however should the need to delete it, you can change it to 'Deleted'.

Reminder Notification Days
Enter the number of days that you want the Contractor to be reminder that the Certificate is due for renewal ie: if you enter 15, the Contractor will be sent the email 15 days prior to the expiry date entered in the Contractors Certificate details.

Reminder Message
This is the body of the email which the Contractor will receive - the following replaceable fields can be included to insert the relevant information.

The type of notification

The due date for the revised certificate/declaration.

The name of the Contractor

Your company details

Your specified contact 

Your specified contact email address 

The [contactname] and [contactemail] is configured via Certificates Facilities Settings.

Expired Notifications Days
Enter the number of days that you want the Contractor to be reminder that the Certificate is past it's renewal date ie: if you enter 0, the Contractor will be sent the email on the expiry date entered in the Contractors Certificate details.

Expired Message
This is the body of the email which the Contractor will receive.

2nd Expired Notifications Days
Enter the number of days that you want the Contractor to be reminder again that the Certificate is past it's renewal date ie: if you enter -2, the Contractor will be sent the email 2 days past the expiry date entered in the Contractors Certificate details.

2nd Expired Message
This is the body of the email which the Contractor will receive.

If you attach a file, this will also be sent with the email.

Related Form

If this Certificate is related to the completion of an online form, choose from the drop down list the form it relates to. 

Allow Completion Online

Tick this box if you want to allow the ability for this to be completed via the Contractors Portal - in most cases you will always tick this box.

2. Click on the 'Certificate Forms' button and then 'Add New', complete the following information and then click on the 'Submit' button

If you have multiple sites you can specify which Certificate applies to which site however for most clients the top Tree Node will suffice.

This is the name of the Certificate and should match what you entered in the first step ie: Public Liability, Workers Compensation.

From the drop down list, match the Type with the name entered in the field above.

You are now ready to specify which Certificates relate to which Contractors (Supplier / Certificate Relationship).

2. Create your Contractor Company Information

Adding a new Contractor is completed by clicking on the Facilities Central Solution Suite and then clicking on the Contractors link at the top right hand side.

This will take you to the Contractors main page where you can then click on the 'New Contractor' button.

Complete each relevant field:-

Tree Node
Most Contractors will be saved at the top Tree Node however if you want to specify that this Contractor relates to a specific tree node, choose that one from the drop down list, otherwise leave as is.  

Company Name
This is name of the Company being created - THIS IS A REQUIRED FIELD

This is the ABN of the Company being created

Main Contact
This is the name of the main contact at the Company being created

This is the phone number of the Company being created

This is the fax number of the Company being created

This is the mobile number of the main contact at the Company being created

This is the email address that will default if sending a Work Order Request and it is also the address that will be emailed when a Certificate is due for renewal - THIS IS A REQUIRED FIELD

By default the status will be 'Active' however if you want to disable a Contractor you would change this status

Address, Suburb, State, Postcode
All details of the Contractor

Postal Address, Postal Suburb, Postal State, Postal Postcode
All details of the Contractor which will appear on the Work Order Request (if using Work Order Requests)

Service Types
This displays all service types setup

If this Contractor is "preferred" and you would look to have this Contractor complete requests for jobs of this service type more than not, tick the service type in the 'Preferred' column.

If this Contractor is "other" and would only be chosen to do complete requests for jobs of this type then tick the service type in the 'Other' column.

Attachment 1 and 2
You have the option to upload any relevant information in relation to this Contractor

Additional Notes
You have the option to add any additional notes in relation to this Contractor

Once all the information has been entered, click on the 'Save' button.

Amending Contractor details can be done at any time.

3. Specify which Certificates apply to which Suppliers
Certificate Supplier/Certificate Relationship Certificate Employee/Certificate Relationship

Not every Certificate type that you create will be applicable to every Contractor ie: A sub-contractor will not require the tracking of Workers Compensation so you will want to tell the system not to track it.

This is done by configuring the Supplier/Certificate Relationship matrix which is done via the Facilities Central Solution and then clicking on the 'Settings' link in the far right hand side and clicking on the 'Supplier/Certificate Relationship' button.

All your suppliers (Contractors) will appear along with all the Certificates you have created.

Tick the Certificates that are NOT required for the given supplier and then on the 'Save' button and they will not appear within the Contractors Certificate information.

You are now ready to start adding Certificate information to the Contractors.

4. Add at least one (1) Supplier/Contractor Employee for that Supplier

Adding a new Employee for a Contractor is completed by clicking on the Facilities Central Solution Suite and then clicking on the Contractors link at the top right hand side.

This will take you to the Contractors main page where you can then click on the name of the Contractor you want to add an Employee for.

Click on the Employee tab which will list all existing Employees, to add details of a new Employee, click on the + New Employee button.

Complete the following fields:-

First Name
Enter the first name of the new Employee - THIS IS A REQUIRED FIELD

Last Name
Enter the last name of the new Employee - THIS IS A REQUIRED FIELD

Email Address
This is the email address that will be emailed when an Employee Certificate is due for renewal - THIS IS A REQUIRED FIELD

Mobile Phone

Enter the mobile number of the new Employee - THIS IS A REQUIRED FIELD so that the system can send an SMS if you are using our Contractor Entry solution.

The following fields are not required however are best practice for capturing information - Phone, Date of Birth, Driver Lic No, Photo

By default the status will be 'Active' however if you want to disable an Employee you would change this status.

Linked ERM User
Unless this Employee is a main contact or someone who would complete/upload Certificate information via our Contractor Portal, you can associate the user with 'None".

Allow completion of company certificate forms
Tick this box if this Employee is a main contact or someone who would complete/upload Certificate information via our Contractor Portal.

Create new login for Employee?
Tick this box for erm to automatically generate and associate this Employee with a logon for the purposes of completing/upload Certificate information via our Contractor Portal.

Send SMS link to Employee
Tick this box if you want the Employee to have details for the Mobile Version Contractor Portal - it will then send an SMS with details.

N/B - we recommend that you DO NOT tick this as a matter of course and only send it when required and to those you have flagged to 'Allow completion of company certificate forms'.

5. Trigger/queue any online Certificates
Any online forms that relate to a Certificate need to be queued or triggered so they are available for the Contractor to complete online.

To complete this process:-
  • For Company Certificates, click on the Certificate tab and expand the relevant certificate and click on the ‘Queue Form’ button
  • For Employee Certificates, click on the Employee tab and expand the relevant certificate and click on the ‘Queue Form’ button
The reason you need to do this is from time to time you may want to have the certificate run outside of the normal re-occurrence timing ie: if you add information to the induction form and want the employee to complete it when next on-site.
6. Send email via 'Invite Contractor'

Once you have done steps 1-5 of the new Contractor process you are in a position to send the contractor an email with a link to the Contractor Portal and have them upload any certificates you have flagged as being required.

To send this email:-

  • Go to Facilities Central and then click on the Contractors link. 
  • Locate the Contractor and click to display the details on the right hand side of the screen.
  • Click on the 'Invite Contractors' button

Below is the standard message that will be sent however should you wish to tailor this, please contact [email protected].

This email will be setup to send the first Employee listed under the Contractor's Employee tab who has the 'Allow completion of company certificate forms' box ticked within their Employee details

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