Adding/Amending Activity Providers

For each activity that you setup, you can choose from a drop down list and allocate a Provider. This is the organisation that runs/organises the activity.

To create a Provider, select the People Central in the left hand side navigation and then click on 'Settings' at the far right hand side of the screen.

Adding an Activity Provider
  • Click into the 'Providers' button and then + Add New button.
  • Complete each of the fields and then click on the 'Submit' button.

Amending an Activity Provider

  • Click on the 'Providers' button then then click on the Pencil.
  • Here you can amend any details e.g. Email, Phone number or change the Status to Deleted if they are no longer going to be used.
  • Once you have finished amending the provider click on the 'Submit' button.

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