Adding a New Contractor

If you are using Work Order Requests or Certificates, you need to set up a list of your Contractors.

To add a new Contractor:

  1. Select Facilities Central in the navigation and then click Contractors at the top right hand side.
  2. Click New Contractor

3.    Complete each relevant field:-

Tree Node
Most Contractors will be saved at the top tree node however if you want to specify that this Contractor relates to a specific tree node, choose that one from the drop down list, otherwise leave as is.  

Company Name: This is name of the Company being created - THIS IS A REQUIRED FIELD

ABN: This is the ABN of the Company being created

Main Contact: This is the name of the main contact at the Company being created

Phone: This is the phone number of the Company being created

Fax: This is the fax number of the Company being created

Mobile: This is the mobile number of the main contact at the Company being created

Email: This is the email address that will default if sending a Work Order Request and it is also the address that will be emailed when a Certificate is due for renewal - THIS IS A REQUIRED FIELD

Status: By default the status will be 'Active', however if you want to disable a Contractor you would change this status

Address, Suburb, State, Postcode: All details of the Contractor

Postal Address, Postal Suburb, Postal State, Postal Postcode: All details of the Contractor which will appear on the Work Order Request (if using Work Order Requests)

Service Types: This displays all service types setup

Preferred: If this Contractor is "preferred" and you would look to have this Contractor complete requests for jobs of this service type more than not, tick the service type in the 'Preferred' column.

Other: If this Contractor is "other" and would only be chosen to do complete requests for jobs of this type then tick the service type in the 'Other' column.

Attachment 1 and 2: You have the option to upload any relevant information in relation to this Contractor

Additional Notes: You have the option to add any additional notes in relation to this Contractor

Once all the information has been entered, click on the 'Save' button.

Amending Contractor details can be done at any time.

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